Coronavirus Update
We would like to provide you with this coronavirus update and how our school is likely to be affected over the coming days.
Many of you will be aware that large public gatherings will no longer be taking place. At this stage, it has been decided that this will not apply to schools, but that this may change. We are aware that school closures will be discussed in Canberra today and tomorrow, so we will continue to monitor and share updates in this regard as they come in. We have communication strategies prepared and ready should we need to act swiftly to close the school.
In the meantime, our staff will be working to hold a sense of calm and normalcy for our students, but we will endeavour to minimise risk over the next two weeks as follows:
All excursions have been cancelled.
The following planned events will no longer take place:
The matinee Bach performance for visiting schools this Wednesday.
The end of term music concerts on Wednesday evening.
The inter school athletics this Friday.
The parent teacher interviews next Wednesday afternoon.
The Bach performances next Friday.
As a school community, we need to respond to current events in the most socially responsible manner, to avoid confusion, reduce anxiety and proactively prevent transmission.
Please consider keeping your children home from school and notify the office if you or they have been placed at risk in any way. Email or SMS 0438 814 170.
At home, please help your children to practice good hygiene, particularly by washing hands frequently and when coughing or sneezing.
Symptoms can take up to 14 days to develop and can include fever, dry cough and tiredness. Some people also experience aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose and diarrhea. Should your child present with symptoms, please be proactive by keeping them home, notifying the office and seeking medical advice.
Kind regards
John Stewart
Education Administrator